Back in 2018, I discovered zines and I wanted to make one so bad I could taste it. I'd been looking at Rothko paintings again and felt inspired,  so I grabbed the chalk pastels my college friend had gifted me and a sheet of printer paper and went to town.

Back then, I offered this zine for 1$ to cover the cost of postage and envelopes. Now, thanks to the power of the internet, The Electric Zine Maker, and the HTML5 Reader for Electric Zine Maker, I present it to you for free. I hope you enjoy it!

Published 29 days ago
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TagsAbstract, art, artzine, Colorful, zine


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Oh wow, this zine is FANTASTIC! The zine (to me, I'm not great at finding the meanings in things lol) feels like the wide breadth of emotions, tbh. I see the early morning on the first page, the limitless possibilities. The next page shows me the chill of sitting down with a coffee, it reminds me of a tabletop and a wall. Then there's the darker one, which makes me feel the calm of seeing the night sky... or the overwhelm of too much to do. The red on the next page makes me think the latter. Like breaking down, and then the next page has the red disappearing, working through the spiral. The black that follows it makes me think of a full spiral, just... gone. Not wanting to do anything, just... existing. I can't see anything in front of me, nor do I care. Then there's grey with some color returning. I know I need out of the spiral, but my body fights it. Maybe then it's just a cycle of all of that over and over again lol

Out of order, I see hope and joy and calm. None of the images look depressing or soul-crushing lol apparently my brain just goes there in a narrative thanks to my bipolar 🤣 

- ✨Beth